quarta-feira, 11 de julho de 2012
I wanna TAKE OVER the World
Once upon a time, or maybe twice there were two lab mice, who were very happy,
The Brain: I could not possibly be more unhappy, Pinky.
Pinky: what is it, Brain?
The brain: I think I have no more plans nor will to conquer the world, nothing works, we've tried everything, from TV shows to the construction of a second earth.
Pinky: then, what are we doing tonight?
The brain: I guess we can only wait for the morning.
Narrator: The brain sat down at the edge of the table, and looked a long time at the floor, he was actually the most intelligent mouse in earth, but that didn't meant he would own it.
-Meanwhile, pinky was walking around, and sometimes, he looked back to his friend.
Pinky: are you sure you don't want to conquer the world anymore?
The Brain: yes Pinky, and unless you have a plan to do so, leave me alone.
Pinky: well, actually I know of a way to conquer the world.
The brain: oh, really?
Pinky: oh yes.
Narrator: pinky leaped to a nearby chair and then to the floor, ran to a desk by the door, and climbed it, The Brain was looking at him without much interest.
Pinky: I'm sure it was over here somewhere.
The Brain: what?
Pinky: an old LP.
The Brain: you think you can conquer the world with a long play, you're more stupid than I though.
Pinky: you say that to those who recorded this.
Narrator: Pinky found the LP, and with great efforts, put it on an old, dusty machine, the music started as he returned to the table where The Brain was.
Lyrics: He's a real nowhere man, sitting in his nowhere land, making all his nowhere plans for nobody.
Doesn't have a point of view knows not where he's going to, isn't he a bit like you and me?
Narrator: Pinky enjoyed the music, but the brain seemed to be upset about it, "making all his nowhere plans for nobody" this was some kind of an insult for someone who's always making plans that doesn't work.
The Brain: what is your point pinky?
Pinky: my point? Well, ehh.. maybe my nose.
The Brain:: I mean the reason for you to make me listen this.
Pinky: cause you already own the world.
The Brain: I don't understand.
Pinky: the world is at your command! You can do whatever you like, if you have the will, you don't need anything else.
The Brain: But I need to conquer the world!.
Pinky: I told you, you can, and I will lend you a hand.
Narrator: Pinky grabbed The Brain's arm and took him outside, where he showed him the parks, places and people in town, and then they headed to a high mountain, where they could see the all of the city.
-He would learn that to enjoy the world, there's no need to rule it.
The Brain: I don't feel like if I own the world yet.
Pinky: then, what are we going to do tonight.
The Brain: the same we will do from now on, Pinky, try to record such a good song, that will allow us to rule the world!
Pinky: well, at least I heard good music.
Narrator: well my children, what is the moral of this story.
Children: never let your valuable LPs where lab mice can take them?
Narrator: No, it is that sometimes we don't realize that what we are always looking at, IS IN FRONT OF US ♥
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